Friday, March 23, 2007

Day 6 - 2 miles

Yeah. I am soooo hardcore (insert hysterical laughter here). But really, I feel so much better about the 10 miler now. Like, maybe it will still suck but at least it won't be for lack of trying. Aside from the long string of illnesses, I think my biggest problem with training was that I didn't respect the distance. I totally pooh-poohed it, like I'm some big bad marathoner, 10 miles ain't nothin! But it is something. Something that you have to commit to getting out of bed and going out into winter weather to train for. I ran all winter long and never had a jacket heavier than a windbreaker, hence, I stayed in on some of the coldest days. That was royally stupid. So, I am going to buy a warmer jacket this week, while they're on clearance, so that I don't have the same excuses next winter. I would have bought one today, but I went to the shop to buy Shot Bloks, and walked out with $4 in Shot Bloks and $90 in other stuff. Ouch. Yes, gentle readers, I DID buy a new sports bra. Aren't you happy for me?

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