Saturday, June 28, 2008

hot hot hot

Summer has fully descended on us here. Highs are in the 90's and the humidity is stifling. I had committed to being a Pink Lady at the Wednesday evening rookie run, but I'm rethinking that. It is TOO HOT. I was born and raised here, and spent a few years living in Florida, so I'm not stranger to the 3 H's (hazy, hot, and humid), but with the extra metabolism I'm supporting, I just can't take it.

Even this morning was pretty warm. Starting a run after 8 is really pushing it this time of year. I had volunteered to lead the charge handing out shoe tags after the run today, so I arrived a little early to squeeze in my own solitary lap or two around the track. Thank goodness! I actually ran an entire lap, thankyouvery much, but I was definitely feeling heavy, slow, and a little klutzy. It felt great to move, but I'm not sure how much longer it will really be practical for me to run. I walked with my walkers for 4 of their 6 laps, then took my post at the gate to bid everyone farewell.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

another pink saturday

Another Saturday with the Pink Ladies! I missed the Wednesday rookie run as Max had given me a nice case of Coxsackie virus this week. I felt like I worked out though - I was shivering so hard from the chills that my muscles were stiff and sore yesterday. I was a little unsure about going to the track this morning, and contemplated sleeping in, but figured that a little fresh air would do me good and that a few laps around the track wouldn't be the end of me.

Much to my horror, the Pink Ladies continue their peppy introductions every week, not just for opening day. Crap. I don't think my visor can go down any lower. But once the running and walking got started, my morning improved substantially. Most of the walkers in the back of the pack seemed to be paired up, so I speed-walked ahead till I found a lonely soul who was happy to have company. And after the run, I actually had a blast handing out car magnets to the participants. I saw so many people I knew, a lot of whom didn't know I was pregnant again. I stayed much longer than I planned.

I had always used running as a way to gain a little solitude, to be among like-minded folks while not having the pressure to interact. But the social aspect is rubbing off on me just a little bit. Honestly, it's kind of all I have right now, so I'd better learn to love it.

I still think the music is too loud, and the track too crowded, but I'm willing to cope with that.

Damn you, Pink Ladies, quit making me like this!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

enjoy the journey

Opening day was a success. There were about 80 kajillion women there. It was hot, but not as hot as it has been lately.

Team Miscellaneous began arriving at 6am to find the track locked. Fortunately, someone from facilities came along lickety-split to unlock it. Coach Mark was having a speed workout while we started to set up, and it made me a little sad to be attaching paper flowers to the fence instead of pushing hard doing Yasso 800's. Cynthia Lorenzoni was leading the pack of women, and it was something else to watch her run. Even in her 40's after 4 kids, she still looks awesome. She also happens to be the race director for the 4 Miler and the co-founder, and many women here (myself included) owe her a big debt of gratitude for not-so-gently encouraging us to add "athlete" to our resumes.

So, 1 box of sidewalk chalk, 1 balloon arch, about 100 tissue paper flowers, a flock of flamingos, several tables, 1 hearse with pink flames, and some organized chaos later, hordes of women started arriving. Hordes. I knew a few folks that were coming, and sort of expected that I might see a few of them. I saw none. I did run into a few people that I had no idea were coming, and that was a pleasant surprise.

The big show kicked off a little late, and much to my horror the pink ladies had to run onto the track with a lot of fanfare, and then we were supposed to kind of dance around. I stood and clapped, and tried not to die of embarrassment. It's no accident that I went to a college with no sororities and buried myself in my studies.

Pep talks by various folks (including Joan wearing Depends and a giant pink bra) followed, and then we started out on our workout for the day. For the walkers, it was once around for a warmup, two laps, and then one more cooldown lap, for a total of a mile. I can say that while I really enjoy supporting women who, for the most part, are new to exercising, it did break my heart just a little to finally be on the track, and to be walking. Oh, I wanted to do an all-out 400 just to see how it would feel. But I stayed back with the walkers, though I do admit to jogging one straightaway with the beginners.

Once finished, the horde headed for the infield for guided stretching. Us Pink Ladies are supposed to set a good example and stretch. True confession time - I only stretch directly after a run if I feel tight. After a one-mile lope, not so much. I would usually save that for my regular bedtime stretch. But ever the follower of rules, I did it, dispensing stretching wisdom ("oh, just google IT band stretch") along the way.

I stayed a bit to help clean up, and managed to pilfer a balloon for Max, who was absolutely delighted.

I'm pooped from being on my feet for 3 hours, and getting up at 5:15, but I had a fantastic time this morning, and hope that I do a great job with the walkers as the season progresses.

Now the obligatory plug - if you couldn't make it today, you can still come! Registration is open every Saturday - just show up at 7:45 at the track. Be sure to register ASAP for the race, though. Registration is usually full by the 4th of July.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Opening day tomorrow!

Drink your water, and get in bed right now, ladies, because tomorrow is opening day of the W4MTP!! Hijinks kick off at 7:45am at the track, but yours truly will be there way, way, way earlier decorating the track. In case you were wondering, thinking up ways to decorate a track is like thinking up ways to decorate air. Creativity is seriously hampered by lack of decoratable surfaces. But Team Miscellaneous will be doing our best to make you sick from all the pink.

As an act of rebellion, my mandatory hat isn't pink. Oh, the horror.

And my swimsuit arrived - it's every bit as funereal as I had imagined. Why do swimsuit designers think that all maternity suits should be cut with an overly modest leg hole? It makes my butt look big and my legs look stumpy. I'm a hot mama, let me show some skin!!

Enough blogging for the night - it's high time I got to bed. See you at the track!!

Monday, June 09, 2008

back in the pool!

With temps nearing 100, I decided it was time to get the maternity lap suit out of storage and go for a swim. I love(d) this suit. It's a lovely shade of turquoise. I was actually happy to put it on this afternoon. I get my non-pregnant speedos a size smaller than I really am, because I like the compression, so I wasn't surprised when I thought the maternity suit felt a little loose. Plus, I'm not really that big yet.

But when I hit the water, I realized my error. My two previous pregnancies, both of which had me in the (chlorinated) pool at least twice a week, along with long periods of storage in the past four years, had rendered any and all elastic properties of the suit completely nil. This suit is completely shot, and I'm sure a little pornographic once I got out of the water. Clingy and baggy - what a combo! Good thing I remembered my big bath towel, and wasn't trying to make do with the hankies the gym provides.

Alas, the manufacturer is now out of the business of making maternity, so I scoured the internet for another reasonably priced maternity one-piece. This, apparently, is a tall order. Want a bikini? No problem. A festive tankini? Got it. A tent with a skirt? Yep. Even a mod halter? Yours in a click. But a strictly business, plain, form-fitting tank suit? I feel like the only woman alive to ever swim laps while pregnant. I finally found the plainest, boringest suit at the Gap. And lucky for me, it (surprise) hasn't been very popular, and was half-price. But available only in dull (brown) or duller (black). I went with duller, as I am in mourning for my beautiful turquoise suit, that trusted friend, that is no more.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

one more thing

As if doing it just because it's there wasn't good enough, keep in mind that all proceeds and fundraising from the Women's 4 Miler goes to support breast cancer and research. Last year, over $200,000 was given to the UVA Breast Care Center. And if that's still not enough, remember that regular exercise can help reduce your chance of getting cancer.

Women's 4 Miler website

Hot mama

My other pregnancies had me in the thick of the first trimester during the hottest months, so now that I'm finally feeling better and wanting to move around, what a shock to find that it's nearly 100 degrees today. And will be tomorrow. And the next day. What happened to spring? Welcome to Virginia, y'all!

Pink Lady prep is in full swing - we had our potluck on Thursday, and got our shirts, with our names embroidered on them. Not sure when I will wear a size L, very pink shirt with my name on it after the 4 miler is done, but hey, at least I don't have to pick out clothing to wear to training runs this summer!

I'm beginning to realize that most Pink Ladies are not as overcommitted as me. They can make all the meetings, and aren't rushing out early to relieve the babysitter. And they can meet, sans kids, at 6am in town twice a week for rookie runs. Right now I've noncommitally committed myself to once a week 6pm runs (actually, I'll be with the walkers), though (sorry Joan) I'll be surprised if I make half of them. For one, 6 pm means that the Supportive Husband has to be available to pick Max up from school, feed him dinner, and do all that parent stuff till after 7pm. Second, that means I miss out on precious time with my boy(s). I'm going full time at work starting next week, and I'm already in knots about that. And finally, if it's this hot, if I *am* exercising at 6pm, you'd better believe it's going to be in the gym. I am firm believer in starting runs prior to 9am this time of year here. At 6pm on a day like today, it's still in the high eighties, and I don't care to subject myself to that, pregnant or not. I was born and raised here, but I still can't take the heat and humidity.

But despite my whining about the heat, I am super excited for 4 Miler Training to begin next Saturday. Training starts at 7:45am at the track - you can register ahead of time, or come a few minutes early and register there. You can come to some or all of the sessions, and there will be PLENTY of Pink Ladies and volunteers to coach and support you on the way to the race. Be sure to register for the race on June 14 as well - it fills up fast. Still not sure you want to do it? Listen, if I can drag my pregnant butt out the door early on a Saturday morning and be in good enough shape to walk 4 miles by August 30, then you, dear reader, have no excuses. So come on out to the track on Saturdays! And look for me at training - I'll be the pregnant Pink Lady, whining about the heat and hogging the shade.