Monday, December 24, 2007

Lucky 13

I did 13 on the bike today. I did it super-fast, too. I dropped Max off at babyminding at the gym for the first time. He boo-hooed when I dropped him off, so I was soooo anxious the entire time on the bike, that I pedaled as fast as my little legs could, so as not to leave him in the torture chamber any longer than necessary. In fact, I stopped at 13 instead of 15, hopped in the shower, stuck my hair in a clip without drying it and rushed to collect him.

Naturally, he was having a great time, sitting in one of the sitters' laps and playing with little toys. And then he reached for me and burst into tears when he saw me. I think he thought I was never coming back, and was overcome that I was there. I felt awful.

But he forgave me when I took him out for lunch and let him eat a whole pack of Teddy Grahams.

They gym's closed tomorrow, and I am wisely taking a day off from exercise. Merry Christmas, everyone!!!

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