Tuesday, September 04, 2007

1000, 1.5, and a brag

I meant to run on the treadmill and lift weights at lunch, but I left my running shoes and workout clothes at home, so I hit the pool instead. I did 200 free, 200 breaststroke, 50 back, 50 drill to warm up. Then 300 free, 200 breast, 50 fly, 50 drill, 100 easy, for a total of 1000 in under 30 min. After my fly, I was resting (of course!) at the wall for a moment when the one other guy in the pool also got to the wall for a little rest. He asked if I was part of the master's swim group, because he was wicked impressed that I could do fly at the end of my workout like that! Go me, someone thinks I'm an athlete. We chatted for a while - he's done a 1/2 marathon, and did his first tri recently, and is (like me) hitting the pool to mitigate running injuries. As much as I kvetched about not wanting to socialize at the 4 miler, it was nice to have a little chat at my lunchtime workout. Working in a cubicle with headphones on all day will do that to you.

After work, Max and I went for a long walk (1.5 mi) in the stroller. Pushing him uphill is quite the strength training workout, and we were both ready for dinner by the time we got home.

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