Monday, July 17, 2006

4 Miles

Ah, finally, not dragging ass on a weekday run. It ended up being near 100 degrees today, but I was done with my run by 8:45 am, and it was still not scorching. Best of all, it wasn't humid.

On second thought, I did drag ass a little bit. The ark (or ark-site, as the ark is now gone) and back route is nearly devoid of shade, and I was really feeling it by the last half mile. Again. Which happens to be uphill. Still. I did run down the road toward the golf course, and discover what might be the other end of the walking trail I used last week. It might be worth driving over and parking close to the trail, just to be able to run in shade. What a pansy, right? Driving .7 miles to go on a 4 mile run! But hey, whatever it takes. Plus, with no giraffes, cameras, or movie stars, that route is boooooooooring. A long, barren stretch of asphalt that's uphill both ways. The most excitement on my run now is listening out for the Spanish-language easy listening blasted by the construction crews. Bad taste crosses all cultural boundaries.

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