Thursday, July 27, 2006

140.6 Miles

Not me, IronMo!!! Way to go Mo, with a time of 13 hours and 18 minutes. YOU ROCK!!!

I was incredibly inspired by the whole experience. So inspired that I skipped my Monday run. I figured the loooong day of spectating, walking back and forth to the hotel, and schlepping around one overstimulated 19 pound baby made up for it. I had every good intention of running around Mirror Lake on Tuesday, but had a small mishap that left me missing a small chunk out of the back of my left heel, right where my shoe hits. Mo does 140.6 with nary a scratch, and I lose flesh taking the baby to the indoor pool at the Comfort Inn. In my defense, there is an industrial strength spring attached to the very heavy metal gate to the pool, and I'm sure there were no self-closing gates along the IronMan course.

Congrats to Mo and to the entire IronTeam!! You guys are completely insane.

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