Friday, June 13, 2008

Opening day tomorrow!

Drink your water, and get in bed right now, ladies, because tomorrow is opening day of the W4MTP!! Hijinks kick off at 7:45am at the track, but yours truly will be there way, way, way earlier decorating the track. In case you were wondering, thinking up ways to decorate a track is like thinking up ways to decorate air. Creativity is seriously hampered by lack of decoratable surfaces. But Team Miscellaneous will be doing our best to make you sick from all the pink.

As an act of rebellion, my mandatory hat isn't pink. Oh, the horror.

And my swimsuit arrived - it's every bit as funereal as I had imagined. Why do swimsuit designers think that all maternity suits should be cut with an overly modest leg hole? It makes my butt look big and my legs look stumpy. I'm a hot mama, let me show some skin!!

Enough blogging for the night - it's high time I got to bed. See you at the track!!

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