Sunday, November 11, 2007


I hit the track this morning. I did 3 or 3.25, I lost count a little bit. I did a warmup, 3x800, with easy 400's in between, then an all out 400. Very zen, and I was considerably faster than I thought I'd be - 4:35- 4:45 on the 800's and 2:14 on the 400. Not bad for being so lazy the past couple of weeks. The Turkey Trot is in less than two weeks and while I don't expect to break last year's PR, it would be nice to be close. However, my dad is running it, and I'm considering doing it with him while pushing Max in the stroller. That would be an incredible workout, but would certainly be my slowest 5K time ever. But Thanksgiving's all about family, right? I can always try for a PR on New Year's.

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