2 miles warmup (closer to 2.5), 4 laps, one hill, 3 laps, one hill, 2 laps, one hill, 1 lap, one hill, cooldown. I had a great workout. I started the warmup with Kelly and Jim. Kelly is getting faaast, and I had to book it to keep up with her. So my warmup left me spent and sweaty.
I'm shooting for around 10:30/mile for the race, so the first 4 laps were at 2:37/ea. No problem - I actually finished the first mile in 10:22. Down the hill, up the hill.
Three laps - supposed to be at 2:30/ea for 7:30 total. I missed it by about 10 sec, and was kind of pooped by this point. Also around this time, my late breakfast, and shortened routine getting out of the house made my tummy start feeling not so great, plus I had to pee. Down the hill, up the hill.
2 laps were supposed to be at 2:25 ea, for 4:50. No problem! Down the hill, up the hill.
Last lap. Supposed to be at 2:20, which is slightly superhuman for me, especially with tummy troubles and a too-fast warmup. Halfway around the track, I looked at my watch - 1:18 already. Gol dangit, there was just no way I could do the second half in 1:02. But when I rounded the curve, I saw that straightaway in front of me and just took off. I pushed hard off my back foot, I tried to keep my arms and shoulders loose. I was passing people left and right. I was breathing really hard. I crossed the line and looked at my watch - 2:20. YES!!!!
Down the hill, and up the hill. I was totally dragging and feeling a little nauseated at this point. I drank a whole lot of water, then started with Jim on our cooldown. About a block into it, I was pretty sure I was either going to barf or crap my pants, so I quit running, walked a little bit, and then just threw in the towel and walked back to my car.
I got home and ate a ridiculous amount of goldfish crackers and some Thin Mints, and (surprise) continued to feel awful. I had some flat gingerale, and started feeling much better. Note to self: Do not drink so much water. And always bring Shot Bloks.
As an aside, I am finally happy with the new shoes. We've adapted to each other, and are working as a team.
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