...indoors. I had every intention of running with the group on this morning. Except it was 14 degrees at 7:30 a.m., and I still had a stuffy nose. So I got to the gym right when it opened at 9. Funny thing is, it's just down the street from the track, so as I was winding my way there, I could see people from the group, all bundled up, running along. They looked very serious and extremely cold.
I did 8 gazillion laps around the tiny indoor track, then as much on the treadmill as I could stand. Boooooring. I lifted, then came back for another half mile on the treadmill. The last half mile actually felt pretty decent - I guess there is something to be said for warming up. But it was a real blow to my ego to know at all times exactly how fast (slow) I was running. Anyway, I'm just trying to muddle through the best I can. I had a nice email convo with IronMo about our respective muffin tops. Which should make me feel better, except that she and her muffin top ran a half marathon last weekend, while my muffin top and I slept in.
Since I haven't been to the track in forever, I hadn't yet picked up my program for "Phase II" of 10 miler training. So after my workout, I headed to the shop for it. I'm supposed to run 11 miles next Saturday. That is *not* going to happen. But the other mileages I think I can handle, I just need to actually get some weekday runs in for a change. While I was there, I bought some gloves, to help me out of my cold weather wussitude. Yes, I already have gloves, but mine are icky cotton knit that gets clammy when I get warmed up, plus they date from Bush 41's administration. So I spent the rest of the gift cert on a pair of spiffy microfiber looking gloves with little reflective patches. What really sealed the deal is that the two gloves have small magnets embedded in the cuffs, so they'll stick together when not in use! How cool is that. Extremely. Far less cool was the fact that after I got home, I realized that I had two right gloves. Dammit!
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