Tuesday, May 27, 2008

liar, liar, pants on fire

That would be me. Sorry dear Internets, but I have deceived you. It's true, I was having some foot issues just prior to the Ten Miler, but nothing awful enough to keep me from running it. The truth is I am expecting!

I know some of will now consider my lack of running, and ask if Mama has lost her gumption. We all hear stories about women who run right up until delivery. Isn't Mama one of those strong, powerful, fit women? Yes, but my main early pregnancy symptoms are shortness of breath (seriously, it's ridiculous, I get winded while *reading* for Pete's sake), fatigue, and nausea that does not respond well to jostling. I take those signs as my body's way of telling me to slow down. So I listen.

I'm still keeping fit, you can count on that. I'm hitting the gym regularly for weights and cardio, walking a few times per week, and though I'm too big for my Speedo and too small for my maternity suit, I do plan on adding swimming back into the mix soon. I was in incredible shape when Max was born, and I hope to be in just as good physical condition for this little one's arrival. Speaking of which, we expect him or her on Thanksgiving Day (and you can just swallow that Butterball joke right now, it is NOT funny).

So far, everything looks great, and as with my pregnancy with Max, we will have top-notch care and monitoring to put my mind at ease until this baby arrives safely. Please keep me in your thoughts as I progress through what is definitely my very last pregnancy (hooray!). Now that I'm able to spill the beans, I'll be posting more regularly about the challenges and triumphs of staying fit while being not only a mother, but also a mother to be.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers' Day!!

I hope all you mothers had a wonderful day. Motherhood can really be the most lonely job in the whole world, and while it's just one silly, invented holiday, it is nice to have a day that should be all about Mom.

The Supportive Husband was kind enough to let me sleep in a little, and I'm finally feeling like I've kicked the nasty cold I've had the past week. My ears were popping like crazy today. After a family breakfast at home (which I made, but I actually like making breakfast and too rarely get to do it, so it really was a treat), I got to go to the gym, where I tried out my wheezy, congested lungs on the bike while reading a book. It was one of my laziest workouts ever, but felt great. I did redeem myself by doing some serious stretching and lifting weights.

The Supportive Husband fed Max lunch and put him down for a nap just before I arrived home, so even though he (the husband, not Max) had to go to work, I had a few luxurious hours to myself. Which I spent doing housework. But I must say that for the first time in months, ALL THE LAUNDRY IS FOLDED AND PUT AWAY. It's a Mothers' Day Miracle!! Which will last approximately 7.3 seconds.

A friend came by to drop off some things she'd borrowed for her baby, which he's since outgrown. He was adorable, but when we tried to go out for pizza, the wee fellow barfed all over his poor mom. Happy Mothers' Day, indeed. I think he's got a lot of making up to do. And he's only 1! Max and I got take out, and had pizza together at home. Then we went for a long buggy ride since the sun had finally come out after a day of rain.

Even though he'd taken a long nap, the buggy ride must have worn him out, because by 7pm, he was heading up the stairs and crawling into bed of his own volition. I insisted on a quick bath, since he was covered in pizza and wet mulch, and it was lights out by 7:45. I plan to spend the rest of my day ironing (which I actually like, but never have time for) and watching the finale of Survivor. Hoooooo yeah, I'm a wild one.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Pinking out

I headed over to the track the other night for Pink Lady training led by the awesome Francesca. The highlight was all of us taking off our shoes and running barefoot across the uber-groomed lacrosse practice field. Oh, heaven! Must make mental note to run barefoot on super high quality grass more often.

Meanwhile, I've been doing my best to keep up at the gym, sticking mostly to the bike and pool and weights. And I spend plenty of time running after Max. He rides his Razor Scuttle bug all over the neighborhood now, and gets so fast on the downhills that I have to jog to keep up.

As for my Pink Lady duties, I am a proud member of Team Miscellaneous! We will be decorating the track for the first day of training on June 14 at 7:45am (hint, hint). I will be pacing/coaching/assisting the beginners (that could be YOU!) and walkers. I can't wait!