Sunday, July 13, 2008

What I did on my summer vacation...


That mythical second trimester burst of energy has kicked into high gear. I never really had it with my other two pregnancies, so it's been quite a pleasant surprise. And good timing, too!

So many delicious local fruits are in full season, that it has seemed a shame to waste a Saturday morning by going to sweat it out at the track. So instead, I've been hitting the City Market and my neighbors, Chiles Peach Orchard, for the best of what the season has to offer. Today I pitted a quart of the season's last (and sweetest!) cherries, and combined them with peaches to make a cobbler. I bought a whole peck of peaches and made not only the cobbler, but also a boatload of freezer preserves. About 40 oz. each of peach/blueberry (looks so gross, tastes so good), peach/strawberry, and just plain peach. Add that to my dwindling stash of strawberry freezer jam, and we might actually make it through fall without having to resort to the brownish slop that is store-bought jam.

Oh, and staying fit? Well, I've taken the past two Saturdays off from being a Pink Lady (last Saturday was actually cancelled due to thunderstorms). But I haven't been just sitting around eating jam. There's been lots of swimming, fishing, zoo-going, and parade-watching. Not to mention our usual walks around the neighborhood. Oh, and several hours on my feet this afternoon making jam, cobbler, and meatloaf.

Getting up early on a Saturday and going to the track may be good for the body, but making comfort food is good for the soul.

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