I've done very little running in the month since the 10 miler. I've been trying to let my hip and my airway heal. The weather has been very cool and damp - not good for my sensitive bronchioles. But it is finally sunny and warm, so I am hopeful that I'll be back on the wagon soon.
Having two kids instead of one means that instead of having half the time available to exercise or do other "me" activities, I now have zero time. Early morning runs mean having to pump, and quite frankly I burned out on pumping the first time around, and I would rather grow slow and soft than add one more pumping session into my routine. Big-time training will have to wait until Sami is weaned. Marathons will still be there when the kids are a little older. In the meantime, I'll pound out a couple miles during my lunch hour or after the kids are in bed.
Happy Mothers Day to all you other mothers out there.
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