Well, 2.9, actually. As measured by GPS, woohoo! I couldn't figure out how to do average speed for the trip, and I forgot to wear a watch, but most of the time my speed was between 5 and 5.5 mph. Not bad! Of course, there were times that I walked, and those were about 4 mph. I got up to 8 mph on a big downhill for about two seconds.
Ah, the joys of pregnancy. The gift that keeps on giving. They say "nine months up, nine months down" in the weight department. I figured that saying was for people who overindulge and don't exercise and gain a lot of weight while pregnant. I lost all the weight and then some by 4 weeks post-partum. But I realize that saying is not about weight, but body! My body is still changing by leaps and bounds all the time. You'd think that months at my pre-partum weight, and I'd be used to my reflection. Nope. I never know what I'll see in the mirror. The latest changes are my arms and my ribcage. My arms are suddenly lean and muscular (yes, my arms!) from hoisting around my 18 pound 5 month old. And my ribcage, which had parked itself at a 36 since my second trimester, has suddenly decided to shrink back to a 34. Which means that my sports bras no longer fit. And nobody wants to see a nursing, running mama with not enough support.
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