May I celebrate a moment? I am at my goal weight. I have a 5-lb range, actually, and I'm smack in the middle of it. Truthfully, I didn't think this was a weight I could really maintain over the long haul. But since it's been more than two months since the baby weaned, and I've held this weight for four months, I think I can say that yes, this is a realistic weight for me. The last time I saw this weight was before I got pregnant. The first time. Six years ago. Okay, I was at and even below this weight for about 30 seconds my highest-mileage week when I was still nursing Max. And I was miserably hungry.
But this time, I didn't kill myself to get here. I gave up packaged cookies. I started upping my activity level around the time the baby weaned. And that's pretty much it. Mostly, I am just working hard on becoming stronger and faster, and the goal weight is a nice side effect.
I've also realized that it is time for me to give up, or at least put aside, my beloved CamelBak FlashFlo. It's just too much to haul around all the time. With my nursing days behind me now, I don't need 54 oz of water for a 10 mile run (plus all the attendant crap I got used to carrying in the pack). I've downsized to a SPIbelt, and one of those water bottles with a strap for your hand. I did get the double SPIbelt, though, mostly because my energy of choice is ShotBloks, which aren't easily strapped to anything. They need a pocket.
(And sadly, no, neither CamelBak nor SPIbelt are sponsors of this blog in any way, though I love them both dearly.)
So then end result is I'm hauling around a few ounces less than I have been. I don't know if I'll gain any speed out of it, but both my body and mind are happier for it.
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