Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Working mom workout

The plan:

Monday was a holiday, but I work Tues - Fri, so somewhere during the week, I get to use my 6 hrs of holiday time. So I planned to work a half day today, leave at lunch, go straight to the gym, go for a long swim, dry off, get on the bike for 20-30 min, then lift weights, etc. And still have time to shower, run an errand or two, and pick Max up from day care right after his nap, and possibly go for a walk with him in the stroller. This is pretty much my ideal day. I've been daydreaming about it since last week.

The reality:

Awaken in the wee hours of the morning to the sound of Max coughing up a hairball. Realize that the little cold and cough he'd been nursing since the weekend had turned into a bad cold and cough. Realize that I can't send him to school in good conscience. Formulate plan to drive to work super-early, grab laptop, and come home before the Supportive Husband has to leave to start his workday. He's self-employed and works out of the house, but today was a rare day where he had to be on-site at 9am.

Spend the morning alternately trying to work, answer IMs and e-mails, and cater to the whims of a sick and cranky two year old. Receive Toddler Wrath when I dare to queue up Signing Time on the DVR instead of WonderPets. Finally get him to eat his chewable Motrin three hours after I gave it to him. Rejoice when he goes down early for a nap. Rejoice when the Supportive Husband comes home for lunch.

Try to finish a few work tasks. Change into running clothes and head out into the cold and damp for a quick 2 miles around the 'hood. Get snowed on.

Blog furiously, and hope that I've got enough time to shower before the cranky toddler wakes up.

Net result:
No swim. No weights. Very little stretching. No podcasts while on the exercise bike. No errands. At least I got out in the fresh air, and got to watch the snow work its way over the mountains. Now I just have to cross my fingers that I don't come down with Max's cold.

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