Monday, February 18, 2008

3.4 miles

I ran a little segment of the ten miler, and when I mapped it out on, it was 3.4 miles. I was unbelievably slow - 11:20 min/mi, but I didn't care. My feet didn't hurt for once (yesssss!!!), and I felt ridiculously cute in my new running skirt. Much of the course was over uneven sidewalks, so I stepped cautiously. But the balmy weather made me giddy to be outside - it was 65 degrees!! I headed to the gym after, and spent 30 minutes lifting and stretching. Overall, it was quite a change from yesterday when I struggled through 4 miles in the cold.

I'm definitely not in 10 Miler shape, but I'm not out of the ballpark. I've got over a month, and know that I'll be ready.

1 comment:

DaveNorris said...

Aha, so THAT's the secret to training for a successful 10-Miler: wearing a lime-green running skirt! Guess I'd better go out and get me one of those... :-)