I've gone to the gym a bit, I ran 4 miles on Monday when the weather was balmy, but other than that, I've been hibernating. There was Max's birthday party to throw, getting back to work, not to mention the cold I've had all week. Oh, and my shoes never did come in at the shop, despite my calling twice and being told it would be just a few more days. I feel like a traitor, but I finally ordered a pair online, and they arrived Friday.
I took them to the track today to see how they'd do. So far so good, but it's tough to tell after just a couple miles on the track. They're definitely different - I can actually feel the ground a little bit, which I think is good. Super-stable shoes are so stiff (hah, say that ten times fast) that as the Supportive Husband put it, if my shoes got any more supportive, I'd be running in clogs. In comparison, these feel like ballet slippers. So far nothing hurts - I've got my tricked-out inserts in them, and since I'm back in Asics, I've got them lock-laced to prevent my heel from slipping. Hopefully I'll be over my cold soon, and back into the swing of things.
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