Monday, January 15, 2007


Max nursed for the last time on his first birthday over a week ago, so I thought I was in the clear, boob-wise. Not so much. The last day or two I've had painful lumpy ducts, and the thought of jamming the girls into a hot, sweaty running bra, and then jouncing them around was unbearable. So, I popped a Sudafed to hopefully dry things out, and headed off to the nice cold pool. I didn't swim much - maybe 1100? But it was great. It was long course, which normally freaks me out, but today it made everything seem to go faster, since I was touching the wall half as often. The pool was almost deserted, so I had my own lane, and didn't feel shy about doing stroke technique drills. I really needed that, even if it meant I wouldn't have a very strenuous workout. During my pregnancy with Max, my body-roll turned into body-waddle by the third trimester, and I haven't quite gotten my fluidity back. I spent a few hundred doing "ten strokes on a side," some kicking, and just some really slow swimming, so that I could focus on my stroke. Even though I wasn't huffing and puffing, I felt pretty drained when I got out. I might have just been coming down from the Sudafed high, though.

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