Thursday, November 24, 2011

Race report - Turkey Trot

It was a beautiful morning for a run - cool and sunny. I had decided a while ago that since I was in no danger of setting a PR today that I'd push Sami in the buggy. I haven't pushed any kid in a buggy for any real distance in months and months, so between that, the hilly course, and my general injury/fitness status, I knew today was going to be painful.

And the most painful part was the start. Oh, Turkey Trot, how I love you and hate you. Runners with strollers are asked to line up at the back with the walkers, which is ridiculous, as there is no longer a separate corral for walkers/baby joggers. It's just one big lump, and you kind of just end up where you end up. I ended up waaaay in the back, and spent the first mile trying desperately to move faster than a brisk walk. It's a Turkey TROT people, not a Turkey Lumber or a Turkey Stroll. TROT.

By the time I got out of the lump of slow, we were deep into the tough hills that make up more than half the course. I was too hot, out of breath, and Sami was saying "Can I get out yet? Can I get out yet? Can I get out yet? Can I get out yet?" etc. I had no rhythm, and my main focus was on making sure Sami didn't launch herself out of the buggy, since she now refuses to be buckled. I walked up a good portion of the hills.

The final hill tops out about a half-mile from the finish, and then it's a long, easy downhill. Wheeeeee!

I crossed the finish line at just under 40 minutes by their clock, and just over 38 minutes by mine, since it took that long for my part of the crowd to cross the start. I didn't feel particularly awesome about this, but when I sat down to fill out my race spreadsheet, wouldn't you know it was a huge PR for buggy-pushing. Huh, how about that. Two years ago I pushed Sami to a 42:28 in the Turkey Trot. I set a 4 minute buggy-pushing PR and I felt shitty about the race - that's how far my running and racing have come in the past two years.

So in feeling shitty about the race, I actually feel pretty good about my running overall. I'm clearly more fit than I give myself credit for. My expectations are higher for myself. If I can get my hip fixed up, I think my fastest years are still ahead of me, despite the fact that my late 30's are coming on with alarming speed.

So this year I am thankful that I am healthy, that I am fit and strong. I am thankful, oh so thankful, for the health of my kids and family. I am thankful that my biggest complaint is that my hip kinda sorta hurts, but that I can still PR on it. How lucky am I?

Happy Thanksgiving, readers! May the upcoming holiday season bring you health and happiness that lasts all year long.


Out in Them Sticks said...

I did the E-Turkey Trot too but with 3 kiddos hubs stepped out and I ran. It was definitely too hilly for any PRs! Good job out there and Happy Thanksgiving!

Jen on the Edge said...

I'm guessing that even with the back-of-the-pack start and pushing a stroller, you still ran faster than I would have. :-)