Thursday, January 08, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new

Being newly postpartum and not having run for several months does have an upside. I am retraining myself how to run. Since I am heavy and slow these days, I am using the slow-going as an opportunity to really concentrate on my gait. I'm cultivating a spring in my step I didn't know I had. Added bonus - I think once I get my weight down and fitness level up, I will actually be faster than I was before. 'Cause I sure couldn't get much slower!

I'm also making an effort to work some hill repeats and other gentle speedwork into my weekday runs. I haven't done enough of that in the past. I guess I was scared that I would look stupid or hurt myself or wear myself out. I already look pretty stupid with my giant, double-bagged chest; the only nagging injury I have ever sustained was on a garden-variety long run (oh, and that one time walking up the stairs at the bagel shop); and I'm already pretty worn out, so I have nothing to lose and no more excuses. I feel better about a short run when I've pushed myself hard on a hill.

So I suppose my New Year's running resolutions boil down to "train smarter". With the second child, I definitely have less free time than before, so I've got to make the most of the time I do have.

1 comment:

Out in Them Sticks said...

i just discovered your blog. I'm a mom of two and a marathoner (though from now on I only plan to do half's) and I'm in the C-ville area. :)

love the blog!