Monday, November 03, 2008


Taking a break from my blogging break to remind you to VOTE tomorrow!!! Don't you want to be able to complain for the next four years?

Quick update on me - I am still hitting the pool a few times per week, though the ratio of actual swimming to stretching in the warm water pool is getting smaller and smaller. I can't wait to welcome the new baby soon! Having to really slow down over the past few weeks has been very tough, physically and mentally, and I am looking forward to not being pregnant any more. I am hoping the new baby enjoys her time in the jogger as much as Max has, and the BOB double is assembled in the garage and ready to roll as soon as I'm feeling up to it. (Fear not all you safety minded folks, I will follow all pediatrician and manufacturer recommendations about minimum age prior to running with Baby Sister in the stroller.) My goal is to, at the very least, walk the New Year's Day 5K. That gives me exactly 6 weeks, so cross your fingers and send all the easy birthing vibes you can manage.

One final note, fellow marathoning mama (and actual fast runner) The Marathon Mama is putting out a call for participants in her new book on her blog. If you're a mom who runs, head on over for all the deets.

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