My other pregnancies had me in the thick of the first trimester during the hottest months, so now that I'm finally feeling better and wanting to move around, what a shock to find that it's nearly 100 degrees today. And will be tomorrow. And the next day. What happened to spring? Welcome to Virginia, y'all!
Pink Lady prep is in full swing - we had our potluck on Thursday, and got our shirts, with our names embroidered on them. Not sure when I will wear a size L, very pink shirt with my name on it after the 4 miler is done, but hey, at least I don't have to pick out clothing to wear to training runs this summer!
I'm beginning to realize that most Pink Ladies are not as overcommitted as me. They can make all the meetings, and aren't rushing out early to relieve the babysitter. And they can meet, sans kids, at 6am in town twice a week for rookie runs. Right now I've noncommitally committed myself to once a week 6pm runs (actually, I'll be with the walkers), though (sorry Joan) I'll be surprised if I make half of them. For one, 6 pm means that the Supportive Husband has to be available to pick Max up from school, feed him dinner, and do all that parent stuff till after 7pm. Second, that means I miss out on precious time with my boy(s). I'm going full time at work starting next week, and I'm already in knots about that. And finally, if it's this hot, if I *am* exercising at 6pm, you'd better believe it's going to be in the gym. I am firm believer in starting runs prior to 9am this time of year here. At 6pm on a day like today, it's still in the high eighties, and I don't care to subject myself to that, pregnant or not. I was born and raised here, but I still can't take the heat and humidity.
But despite my whining about the heat, I am super excited for 4 Miler Training to begin next Saturday. Training starts at 7:45am at the track - you can register ahead of time, or come a few minutes early and register there. You can come to some or all of the sessions, and there will be PLENTY of Pink Ladies and volunteers to coach and support you on the way to the race. Be sure to register for the race on June 14 as well - it fills up fast. Still not sure you want to do it? Listen, if I can drag my pregnant butt out the door early on a Saturday morning and be in good enough shape to walk 4 miles by August 30, then you, dear reader, have no excuses. So come on out to the track on Saturdays! And look for me at training - I'll be the pregnant Pink Lady, whining about the heat and hogging the shade.
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