Friday, December 28, 2007

Older but fitter

My birthday was this week!! I started off my day with a great workout. I swam about 600, had hoped to swim more, but the lady with the pool noodle doing laps in an already crowded pool just about sent me off the deep end, pun intended. I am all about novices, heck I am a perpetual novice, but really, if you are floating around on a pool noodle, then take it to the warm water pool. The lap lanes are not your personal lazy river.

An aside, the new suit is really awesome, and I feel like such an ass-kicker in it. The goggles are also amazing; they actually fit my narrow face.

Then I hopped on the bike for 30 minutes, and managed just over 8 miles. A quick stretch, and off to the treadmill for one (fast) mile. Whee!!

I met up with my family for lunch, took Max to the park, then headed home where The Supportive Husband and I watched a DVD while Max napped. That evening, grammy and Aunt M shared babysitting duties while The S.H. and I had a grown up dinner out and a very juvenile session of ice skating at the ice park. They even played "Ice, Ice, Baby" over the sound system. Who could ask for anything more?

I may be older, but I'm not slowing down. I'm aiming for a PR in the 5K on New Year's day. Between my foot stuff and the tri challenge, I haven't run more than 2 miles at a time all month, but every time I get on the treadmill or on the road, I feel strong and fast, thank you, stationary bike and ashtanga yoga.

I'm very nearly done with the tri stuff, and should have no problem coasting to my goal on 1/1. The totals so far:
Run 18.2
Bike 103 (booyah, broke 100 miles!)
Swim 3400 (meters, I think, but either way I have way less than 1000 to go)

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