I didn't get around to blogging about last week (lots of walking and a fantastic swim on Fri) or about Saturday's run. Nothing exciting - no bears this time. There was a tiny dog (looked to be part Chihuahua and part MinPin, and maybe part rodent) who was extremely vocally enthusiastic about guarding his turf, but other than that, nothing eventful, wildlife-wise. I had some more issues with my foot. I felt great, like Tony the Tiger "Grrrrrreat!" for the first five miles. Then mile six, and my foot started cramping and the rest of the ten miles pretty much sucked. Lots of walking and grimacing. Two groups of people were concerned enough to stop and ask if I needed a ride the rest of the way. Which made me even grumpier. But, Keene was lovely, even if it did take almost 45 minutes to drive there.
On Monday, I did about 2.5 on the treadmill, yesterday I ran 2 pushing the stroller, and tonight I did a quick mile or so loop. There just aren't enough hours in the day to do the kind of mileage I'd like. Oh, and I weighed myself at the gym, and found that I weigh more now than I ever have when not pregnant or postpartum. I feel like a hobbled, squishy slob, and that's no fun. So I've resolved to do some kind of exercise every day, and cut out all the snicky snacking. No food after 8:30pm, which means cutting way back on my beloved milk and cookies.
Saturday I'm on water duty for the run - I lucked out and got the track, which means I don't have to get up in the middle of the night to mark Dick Woods and then hang out for four hours till everyone finishes their long runs. I picked up the coolers today, and discovered that two of them had not been rinsed or dried after the last time they were used, and they were FOUL. Half an hour of vigorous scrubbing with hot, soapy water has left them squeaky clean, and I've got the dishpan hands to prove it.
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