Monday, February 22, 2010

Game off!

Strep again... not me....yet. The Supportive Husband was feeling a little off this morning, headed to the doctor, and tested positive for strep. Coincidentally, I had an appointment to get both kids tested for strep today, just in case one of the little darlings was the source of my illnesses. And as it turns out, my dear boy is an asymptomatic carrier. Poor dear, I think he genuinely feels bad about it.

But after schlepping two kids to the doctor, scrambling to find childcare for Typhoid Max, cleaning vomit out of the car after his delayed gag reflex kicked in a mile down the road, running to the pharmacy, making it to work, scrambling to get myself to the doctor to get tested, racing home, making dinner, fetching whatnot for the Sick Husband, putting kids to bed, washing up, making tomorrow's lunches...I look up and it's 9:30pm and I'm preparing for a restless night on the sofabed.

Good lord. Can spring come fast enough?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Game on!

Okay, I recovered from my non-running hiccup, and got in a fantastic run and workout this weekend, plus lots midweek mileage, woooooo! I even ran to the gym (about 1.5 miles), took a 1 hour "athletic conditioning" class which involved getting my ass kicked by a sadistic little sprite, and ran home. I am feeling it today!

We had temps in the 50's this weekend, which is pretty normal for us this time of year, but seems so balmy, given the cold and snowy winter we've had. It's been nearly a month since we had a high temp that was at or above average! The snow did some serious melting, and I've got more options for running routes and times (ie before dawn). And the days are getting longer, so soon a 6am run won't be in the pitch black. And with the nicer weather, I don't feel guilty about putting one or both kids in the buggy. We've all been jonesing for a little fresh air, and even Max has been an eager passenger this past week.

My weight has stabilized, and I'm no longer losing and this is a good thing! I am at a weight that 1) looks and feels great and 2) I can actually maintain over the long haul. For the VERY FIRST TIME in my whole life, I feel like my weight is simply another measurement in my assessment of my overall health and fitness. I was totally dragging during a treadmill session and workout at the gym the other day. When I was done, I hopped on the scale, and was down almost two pounds. Instead of thinking "awesome, I'm so skinny and therefore a better person," I immediately though, "I bet I'm dehydrated." Sure enough, I struggled sleepily through the rest of the day, downed 32 ounces (or two pounds) of water after dinner, and perked right back up.

Sunday, February 07, 2010


.....aaaaaand I'm off the wagon again. Just like that.

I was feeling all fly and buff and powerful. Another snowstorm was forecast to give us 6-12 inches. No big deal. I played in the snow and did a lot of shoveling. And then about an hour later, WHAM, just like that, I was hit with the chills and aches, and my temp spiked to 104 (or higher, I just was so sick I couldn't even take my temp any more), and I spent the rest of the afternoon delirious in bed. By the next morning I was in really bad shape, and got to traverse snow covered roads to go to the ER, where two male nurses and a DO with a ponytail got me all fixed up.

I had strep again. Can you believe it? Turns out, I might need to have my tonsils out. Which is funny because I already had them out in 1986. So I've got an appointment with an ENT coming up to discuss my options. Super.

So, I spent most of this past week recovering. And shoveling, as we had a minor snow event in the middle of the week, and ANOTHER Snowpocalypse this weekend. We had somewhere north of a foot of snow, with a fair bit of sleet mixed in the middle. I'm not really sure. There was so much snow still on the ground from last weekend, that we never did get a good measurement. I have shoveled and shoveled and shoveled. And yet, when I heard the gym was going to be open today, I actually went. Did a little speedwork on the treadmill, lifted weights, did abs, and stretched. And spent a long time rolling around on my back on the foam roller. Aaaaaaah.

The roads around here are in good shape, but the sidewalks aren't. And there are tall snowbanks on the side of the road, so running in the early morning (ie in the dark) is a very, very bad idea. I can hit the gym early, I guess. Or try to get back into the lunchtime gym routine. And shoveling (especially with the baby on my back) has turned out to be some awesome cardio. But at some point, I need to get some real road miles in.

Did I mention we've got another snow storm coming on Tuesday?