Sunday, September 07, 2008


I'm getting all those fun 3rd trimester aches and pains. The sciatica has mercifully abated somewhat, but my joints, especially my hips, and my back and shoulders hurt. I've only gained 15 lbs, but I feel like I've doubled my body weight. And yesterday I woke up lightheaded and lethargic.

The Supportive Husband was off yesterday, so I took the opportunity to go to the gym while Max was napping. After a big bowl of cereal and a LOT of water, I no longer felt lightheaded, but I didn't want to push it. I intended to just float around in the pool for a little while, but once I got in I felt so good that I swam laps for about 30 min. I even did 25 of butterfly, just to prove to myself that I still can. Of course, it took me two tries to hoist myself out of the pool afterward, but otherwise I felt like a million bucks. I spent another 20-30 min stretching in the warm water pool which was positively delightful.